Sunday, January 19, 2014

Every Day is a Chance

What can you do today? What are you trying to do today?  What are you Goals?

I've accomplished more than I imagined I could in the past few weeks, because I gave myself the chances to succeed, the chance to have impactful experiences, and the chance to connect with others.

I have deepened and broadened my relationships with friends and family, I have connected on an impossibly deep level in the past week and I have made large strides towards my goals.

There is nothing special that I have done, I have not been operating at full capacity, and I have not been feeling the best about myself or my position.  But I had a chance. And every day we get more and more chances, and we need to TAKE chances.

Sometimes you have to "risk it for the biscuit" and sometimes that requires what father would call going "Balls to the Walls" or as I would say, it requires us to GO HARD.

Rodney Mullen would say that it requires us to keep getting up.

I want to take this time in my life to make the most of every chance I've got. I want to work hard, I want to grind my nose against things that are HARD.  And I want o FAIL.  And I want to keep on going, and overcome and WIN.

True glory lies just behind the door that you're afraid to open, so open some doors my friends. Take that chance, and make the most of today, and EVERY day.

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